Saturday, September 10, 2005

You Gotta Have Hart just published an interview with Linda Hart in which she's quoted as saying:

'She positively revels in raunch — and gave it full vent in the Second Stage revival of Gemini, playing Bunny Weinberger, a brazen, cleavage-baring, man-hungry divorcee. The role allowed Hart license to kill, and kill she did. It's her favorite so far, and, as luck would have it, she got to reprise it in a musicalized Gemini that tried out at Philadelphia's Prince Music Theater last fall. The idea of doing this on Broadway has Hart blissed out. "That part was completely a wild woman out of control, and the songs that went with it were brilliantly matched to the pitch of the character. I can't wait to do the part on Broadway."'

Neither can we, Linda - neither can we.


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