Tuesday, January 10, 2006

HK tappers work on their shim-sham

HK tappers
Originally uploaded by Chazzyg.

It was a busy day for the Musical Theatre Programme Review team at HKAPA. Our day began with a roundtable discussion with current students and alumni. We observed three classes, including this tap class taught by an alum of the program. After a lunch of Singapore noodles at a nearby Malaysian restaurant, we returned for meetings with the musical theater faculty and the deans of dance, music and drama, followed by a "command performance" of songs and dances given by the 3rd and 4th year students. Keith Hawley's choreography for their "Tribute to Frank Sinatra" was absolutely smashing, and the students executed it with brio (or whatever the Asian equivalent of brio is). After a final executive summary with the Director of the Academy, I adjourned to a nearby restaurant for a couple of pints of Foster's Lager and some well-deserved chill-out time. The asssessors assessed, and it was good! Tomorrow - Victoria Peak, the Star Ferry and assorted sightseeing.


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