Saturday, March 26, 2005

Saturday spring morning, South Philly style

Calliope music in the backyard as I sweep up the morning glory seeds that fell last fall - is the circus in town? For a moment, I thought it was a church organ, but the tunes are unmistakably those of the other big top. Folding a ton of laundry, mating the socks, mopping the wood floors with orange oil spray so they shine. Straightening up the desk, I notice that Phillies tickets have arrived in the mail: the new season begins in a matter of weeks. Out comes the fountain from the basement storeroom and goes back onto its pedestal; fill it up, plug it in - instant serenity! Out front, the buds on the tree we planted last spring (check the blog archive) are starting to open; apart from a branch that got snapped off by an indignant pedestrian, it seems to have survived the winter. As have we all. Having survived the chill months, we prepare to bloom in new ways as April rolls in. He is risen, and so is she.


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