Tuesday, April 05, 2005

On the road in Cardiff

Our coach pulled into Cardiff at 3:30 pm on Sunday, the end of a long journey via air and road that began the previous evening at 8 pm. Don't be misled by the cheery smiles - these cast members are dead tired! We made our way to the theater at Chapter Arts Centre

where we loaded in Made By Two, hung and focused lights, and worked feverishly to get ready for our Monday night opening. I can't say we were an overwhelming success, but we had 25 people in the audience, including the producing director of the International Festival, and the response was enthusiastic (though perhaps tempered by British gentility). Still, it was good enough to merit a hearty celebration in the pub...

This one, Y Mochen Du (I think it means "The Black Pig," but Google doesn't translate Welsh) was the first of several we visited on Monday night, before consuming a hearty Tandoori meal and staggering back to the guesthouse. Next day, it was time for a contemplative stroll around Cardiff, where the flowers are beginning to bloom in the Alexandra Gardens...

Keep your eye on the ChazzyBlog for further dispatches from Cardiff, London and Liverpool in the days to come!


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