Wednesday, May 25, 2005

On the occasion of Opening Night at "Sweeney Todd"

Last night was the opening of the Arden's "Sweeney Todd," a thrill-packed production from all reports. No matter how terrific it is, though, it doesn't have this babe in it...

Even if you went through "Jersey Girl" frame by frame, you'd miss the performance of D'Arcy as the Beggar Woman - she wound up on the cutting room floor, as they say. But what a looker! She puts her homely hubby (who is on display in the final cut) in the shade fer sher...

I'm posting this from the booth at the Prince Music Theater, where the wireless internet signal is strong enough for my laptop to latch on. Week 3 of "Middle Of Nowhere" is underway, and we had our first rehearsal with the band - the Prince Music Theater All-Stars - this morning. Big fun on Chestnut Street!

Monday, May 16, 2005


In response to the rising chorus of protests regarding the lack of recent activity on the Chazzyblog, I can only offer the following image by way of explanation:

Yes, it's true - the love of my life caught in flagrante with a notorious TV chef. Oh, the ignominy! I had wandered off to another part of the store to find the anchovy fillets, and returned to discover this culinary tete a tete in progress.

And so, to assuage the heartache, I threw myself into my work, where I spend my days peering forlornly at a page of music, just like this fellow...

...who my shrewd readership will undoubtedly recognize as Randy Newman. I started rehearsals a week ago for "The Middle of Nowhere," a production at the Prince Music Theater which I am music-directing. The show will run from June 4 to June 26, and it's probably not too early to buy your tickets now.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

This is how they do it South Philly style!